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Finnish educators have learners covered from childcare to work

Eduhouse has made an acquisition to make its competence training services more widely available. Playvation and the University of Oulu, in turn, have struck partnerships to promote learning in other parts of the world.

Eduhouse in January announced it has acquired GoLearn, a Danish learning-as-a-service provider.

The Finnish developer of competence development training services said the acquisition marks its foray into the 1.1-billion-euro market in Denmark and the first leg of its journey to Europe. The acquisition was backed by Verdane, a private equity firm that has supported the growth of Eduhouse since 2017.

Both Eduhouse and GoLearn view that short training sessions organised in conjunction with work are superior to “boring” and “outdated” day-long training seminars when it comes to responding to the ever-changing demands of contemporary working life. Competence development training, they believe, should be easy and fun regardless of location.

“We are very excited to be able to join forces with GoLearn,” stated Jukka Vento, CEO of Eduhouse. “Our model supports contemporary modes of work. Instead of long sessions, our platform offers interesting and effective training alongside work, in small bits.”

“In addition to Eduhouse and GoLearn having a common goal and vision for developing the sector, the acquisition opens us new routes to Europe,” he added. “We have tremendous international growth potential.”

Eduhouse's goal is to reach one million users by 2030.


The two companies aim to lean on their “high-level” user experience, carefully curated topical content and personalised training methods to deliver organisations and professionals “the best solutions” for competence development, with a focus on critical working-life skills such as business, leadership, sales and technology.

“Our ways of working and future vision for learning in working life are a great fit,” told Tue Lindblad, co-founder of GoLearn.

Eduhouse expects the acquisition to boost its annual revenue to 17 million euros, a step toward its 50-million-euro target for 2025. Another objective for the midway point of the decade is to expand the user base almost fourfold to one million.

Acquisitions have been central to the growth strategy, with the service provider recently taking over not only GoLearn, but also Hallintoakatemia, Sovelto and Wistec Training in Finland.

The largest provider of competence development services in the Nordics, the company offers localised sessions also in Norway and Sweden.

Kari Kumpulainen of the University of Oulu and Ahmed Shafeeu of Islanders Education shook hands on a deal to provide practical tools to teachers in the Maldives.

Islanders Education

University of Oulu supports teacher training in Maldives, deepens co-operation in Japan

The University of Oulu and University of Tokyo revealed earlier this month it has signed a memorandum of understanding on training teachers in the Maldives.

The Finnish university will initially train 15 teachers employed at Finland International Schools Maldives, an affiliate of Islanders Education. The opportunity to participate in the programme will then be made available to all teachers employed by what is the largest private education provider in the island nation.

Kari Kumpulainen, director of teacher training at the University of Oulu, said in a press release the programme will focus on applying the theoretical frameworks students learn in real-life classroom environments.

The skills are crucial due to a lack of practical approaches to teaching courses, indicated Ahmed Shafeeu, CEO of Islanders Education. The private education provider, he stressed, is committed to providing modern teaching environments and technologies, a commitment that also imposes technical skill requirements on teachers.

The University of Oulu recently also put pen to paper on a collaboration agreement with the University of Tokyo. Signifying the commitment of both institutions to mutual respect and equality, the five-year agreement aims to promote collaboration in areas ranging from industry-academia projects and student and faculty exchanges to joint education, research and workshop activities.

The collaboration will be led by professors Matti Latva-aho from the University of Oulu and Akihiro Nakao from the University of Tokyo.

It should enable the university to extend its academic and research capacities, viewed Arto Maaninen, vice rector at the University of Oulu.

“We are delighted to announce this collaboration agreement with the University of Tokyo,” he rejoiced. “We look forward to working alongside our peers in an effort for scholarly progress.”

Moomin Language School, a language-learning solution developed by Finland’s Playvation, will be used to teach English to 3–4-year-old children at three of the over 50 childcare centres of Forte in the Netherlands.

“As an organisation, we think it’s important that our children learn a second language in their early years, since we are living in such a fast-changing world. Plus, children at this age pick up a second language very easily, so it’s the perfect timing,” said Corina van Diepen, location manager at Forte.

The Dutch childcare provider will enable 3–4-year-olds at the three facilities use the solution, which combines digital games and play-based group activities, throughout the day, with group leaders organising playful group activities in the afternoon when younger children are napping. What convinced the company to turn to the solution was its flexibility, ease of use and learning results, according to Diepen.

Depending on the results, the solution may be rolled out also at the remaining childcare facilities.

Aleksi Teivainen